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Nanny Job Available with American Family in Brentwood, CAAnna's Nanny Job 3259028

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    Our Family

  • American
  • 40-something
  • 1 Child
  • Age 7
  • Has pets
  • No Religion
  • Will not accept smokers
  • Is not a single employer

    Job Highlights

  • 2yrs experience required
  • 45 to 50 hours/week
  • English and Polish are required
  • Driver's license required
  • Car is available
  • References available
  • Pay is Negotiable/wk

Contact Anna Z.

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Family's Introduction to Nanny

Hello, we are the Shak family. Our home consists of myself, my husband, our son, and our new puppy - Bowie. We live in Brentwood, California, a few miles from the Santa Monica Pier. Our oldest daughter and her husband live a few blocks away from us on purpose. We spend a-lot of time together and are a very close family. My husband works from home and is in his office, on his computer for long hours throughout the day and night. He travels quite a bit – his luggage is always by the door. We Travel with him when we can and take vacations when our son is out of school. We have a few properties we travel to and from, and we travel to Europe every summer. We are a fun, loving, energetic, always on the "GO", kind of family. We love to visit museums; sporting events and shows. We have a great community of friends and love to entertain. We are looking for a nanny and someone to help with our son, Someone who can take him safely to and from school, help with shopping and errands,keeping up with the housework so when we get more time together as a family - so its quality time and less of the day-to-day rush. Our son is at an age where he wants to run and play and try new things so we are hoping to find someone to share those experiences with him and who can teach him new things. We believe life isn't about the things you do, or places you go, but the people you welcome in and surround yourself with. We are hoping to find someone with a kind, energetic spirit to help us and to bring that balance to our family unit.

Job Description

Schedule: Alex wakes up at 6:45am - eats breakfast, gets dressed for school, lunch packed, backpack ready, and out the door by 8am. He must be to school by 8:45am. Once he is dropped off there may be a few errands to run, but the rest of the day is "off time" until he gets out of school at 3pm. We live in the heart of Los Angeles, CA, so we leave around 2:45pm to get there in time. Once home we give him a snack and he is off to his after-school sports and activities. Once those are finished, we eat dinner, do homework, and prepare for bed. We like to cook dinners at home but on busy days we order-in. We are looking for someone who knows how to cook so we can enjoy more at-home meals together. We love to travel and are always on the go. We hope to find someone ready for adventure and who can help us with these duties so we can have more quality time together and with ourselves. We have a housekeeper that comes 3 days a week. We also have an assistant who helps manage our businesses, properties, and travel. This position will be specific to our son Alex and his needs, as well as basic things - tidying up, running errands etc.
We have a beautiful home with a separate floor, where the guest rooms are located. We have an extra vehicle to use while you are here. I am looking for someone ready to learn and who will easily adjust to our way of life. Someone who knows how to go with the flow. In return, we promise to make you feel comfortable, accepted, and hope you have an amazing experience with memories and adventures you will carry with you for the rest of your life.


Available Jun 2024 - Jul 2024
From 12 - 36 months
Seeking Full-time, Live In/Out
Last logged in 27 Feb 2023
Member since 29 Sep 2022

Seeking Services

Additional services we're seeking:
Infant care Special needs care Elderly care
Housekeeping Pet care Tutoring
Shopping & Errands Office Assistance

Match Preferences

We require:
2yrs experience required
Candidates that live within worldwide
Valid drivers license
Spoken English, Polish is required
We prefer:
Female candidates
28-34 year olds
12 or more years of education
No couples
Candidates who are:
  • - American
  • - Eastern European
  • - Polish
We speak:

Childcare Services

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